Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The Effect of Leadership Style on Security Guards’ Performance Essay Example for Free
The Effect of Leadership Style on Security Guards’ Performance Essay The following are the specific objectives of the study: 1. To determine the job performance level among security guard in Riyadh military hospital. 2. To examine the influence of leadership style on security guard’ performance in Riyadh military hospital. 3. To investigate the security guard mean differences in job performance based on level of education and experiences in Riyadh military hospital. 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS Three research questions are as follows: 1. What is the job performance level among security guard in Riyadh military hospital? 2. What is the direct significant influence of leadership style on security guard’ performance in Riyadh military hospital? 3. Is there any significant difference in security guard’ performance based on level of education and experiences in Riyadh military hospital? 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY As mentioned earlier in the present study, the objective of the study is to explore the influence of job leadership style variables on security guards’ performance. If the findings of the study turn out to be true, the study will contribute to both theory and practice. Through the present research, the researcher expects the findings to shed light on the pertinent facets of the topic and add to the body of knowledge concerning leadership style towards security guards performance in Riyadh Military Hospital. On the practical side, the study possesses significance because it will attempt to give an insight into one of the major issues in Saudi Arabia’s security sector. In addition, the stakeholders in Ministry of Defense can also benefit from the research by using it to identify, investigate as well as examine the proposed factors that are found to influence security guards’ performance. 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The study looks at leadership style towards security guards job performance at Riyadh Military Hospital, Saudi Arabia. The participants of this study were security guards of Riyadh Military Hospital in Saudi Arabia. The total number of the security guards who participated in the study was 34 security guards 30 males and 4 females. In order to achieve the research objective in the present study, a survey conducted. Questionnaires distributed to the security guards in Riyadh Military Hospital from 15 October 2012 to 9 November 2012. 1.7 SUMMARY The present chapter discussed background of the study, problem statement, objectives of study, questions of study, scope and significant of the study. The next chapter (chapter two) will expound literature review of study variables, chapter three related methodology, and finally chapter four discussions of the findings and suggestions.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Madness and Insanity in Shakespeares Hamlet - Is He Insane? :: Shakespeare Hamlet Essays
Hamlet: Is He Insane?          The term insanity means a mental disorder, whether it is temporary or permanent, that is used to describe a person when they don't know the difference between right or wrong. They don't consider the nature of their actions due to the mental defect.(â€Å"Insanity†, sturtevant) In William Shakespeare's play â€Å" Hamlet†Shakespeare leads you to believe that the main character, Hamlet, might be insane. There are many clues to suggest Hamlet is insane but infact he is completely sane.         Throughout the play Hamlet makes wise decisions to prove he is not insane. He knows exactly what he is leading up to. He just delays to act due to his indecisiveness. An example of this is in Act III, section III, line 73, Hamlet says â€Å"Now might I do it pat, now 'a is a-praying, and now I'll do it-and so ‘a goes to heaven, and so am I revenged that would be scanned. A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send to heaven. Why, this is hire and salary, not revenge.† He says here that he has his chance to kill his father's murder but, he is praying. By killing him while he's praying his soul goes to heaven and this wouldn't be revenge. This is not a thought of an insane person. An insane person would have completed the murder at this opportunity. In Act III, scene I, line 55, â€Å"To be or not to be...†, Hamlet displays his indecisiveness by thinking about suicide because of the situation he is in. He would rather be dead than live with the thought of his father's death going unavenged. He is scared to get revenge because he found out from a ghost and he doesn't know what to do. In line 83,†Thus conscience takes a major part in the thought and action of murder. This is why he delays so long to commit the murder. An insane person would not wait. They would be more apt to act in impulse.         Hamlet's madness only existed when he was in the presence of certain characters. When Hamlet is around Polonius, Claudius, Gertrude, Ophelia, Rosencrantz, and Gildenstern, he behaves irrationally. For example in Act II, section II, Polonius asks Hamlet,†Do you know me, my Lord?† Hamlet replies,†Excellent well, you are a fischmonger†. Hamlet pretends not to know who Polonius is, even though he is Ophelia's father. When Hamlet is around Horatio, Bernardo, Fransisco, the players and the Gravediggers, he behaves rationally. In Act I, section V, lines 165-180, Hamlet says â€Å"How strange or odd some'er
Monday, January 13, 2020
American and Mexican Culture
Introduction to Ovulation * Many women learn how to calculate their ovulation when they first talk to a doctor about birth control. But some may still question whether they can get pregnant if they aren't ovulating. The answer to that question is not as straightforward as it seems. One would think that if a woman isn't ovulating, she can't get pregnant. This is only partially true. Generally, a woman isn't fertile if she isn't ovulating.If she isn't ovulating, she has no egg present to be fertilized outside the ovulation period. The confusion comes when trying to decipher when the ovulation period really is. Sometimes a woman can ovulate beyond what she considers her normal ovulating period, and she can become pregnant outside of her calculated fertility window. How to Calculate Ovulation * A woman generally ovulates between 11 and 21 days after her last menstrual cycle. Women with a 28-day cycle generally, on average, ovulate on day 14.But every woman is different and other factors can come into play to alter when and whether she ovulates. For some women, calculating ovulating periods can be tricky. Using methods such as evaluating cervical mucus, reading basal body temperature and keeping track of menstrual cycles can help with the calculations. A woman should get to know her body; this will be the most telling sign in knowing when ovulation occurs. If in doubt, an ovulation kit can help clarify when ovulation occurs.Ovulation Misconceptions * Many misconceptions surround ovulation. First, not all women ovulate on day 14 of their cycle. Another myth is that keeping up with ovulation is an effective birth control method. Although an egg can live for only 24 hours, sperm can live inside a woman for five to seven days. So even if a woman thinks it is safe to have unprotected sex a couple of days before she ovulates, the sperm can still fertilize the egg days after intercourse.For women who have irregular periods, it is not accurate to count from the last day of the menstrual cycle to determine the ovulating time frame. Can a Woman Get Pregnant If She Is Not Ovulating? * Technically, a woman cannot get pregnant if she isn't ovulating. Determining whether and when a woman is ovulating can be miscalculated, however. A woman can actually get pregnant when she believes that she is safe because she thinks she isn't ovulating. Sperm can live long enough to fertilize the egg days after intercourse.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Forms of Commercial Organization - 12473 Words
DIFFERENT FORMS OF ORGANISATION SOLE TRADING CONCERN ââ€" ª Meaning ââ€" ª Features ââ€" ª Advantages ââ€" ª Disadvantages ââ€" ª Suitability PARTNERSHIP FIRM ââ€" ª Meaning ââ€" ª Features ââ€" ª Merits ââ€" ª Demerits ââ€" ª Kind of partnership firm ââ€" ª Types of partners ââ€" ª Partnership Deed JOINT HINDU FAMILY BUSINESS ââ€" ª Meaning ââ€" ª Features ââ€" ª Advantages ââ€" ª Disadvantages JOINT STOCK COMPANY ââ€" ª Meaning ââ€" ª Features ââ€" ª Advantages ââ€" ª Disadvantages ââ€" ª Management ââ€" ª Forms of companies ââ€" ª Features, Merits and Demerits of types of companies ââ€" ª Kinds of companies CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY ââ€" ª Meaning ââ€" ª Features ââ€" ª Merits ââ€" ª Demerits ââ€" ª Rights ââ€" ª Duties ââ€" ª Powers functions ââ€" ª Suitability†¦show more content†¦4.Quick Decision The sole proprietor is his own boss and need not consult others while making any decision. He exercises exclusive control over the affairs of the business. Therefore, he can take quick decision and implement them without any delay. 5.Effective Control In this form of organisation, the business can be controlled effectively because business activities are planned and executed by a single man. Since all the decisions relating to purchase and sale are taken by the soletrader, he can effectively control the business if there is any deviation from the original plan. 6.Increase in Sales A sole trader has direct relationship with the customers. Direct contact with the customers will enable the proprietor to know the nature of their tastes, likes and dislikes. It enables him to make necessary changes in the quality and design of his products. It will boost his sales besides enhancing the reputation of the firm. 7.Inexpensive management The sole trader is the owner, manager and controller of the business. He does not appoint specialists for various functions. He personally supervises various activities and can avoid wastage in the business. 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